Hey everyone, and welcome to this week's edition of When I'm Not Reading. This week, we get to meet one of my good friends and great bloggers, Haley from YA-Aholic!

Hi my name is Haley Elise, I live in an average size town in Washington state, yes I live in that state that rains all the time and had Twilight filmed in it. I am 19 yrs of age, I work at a tanning salon, and I go to Clark Community College. I just started reading the summer of 2010 so yes I have a lot of catching up to do. I will read anything that is YA or anything with some romance that is too good to be real. I don't really know what I wanna do with life yet, so I'm just taking things day by day until something dawns on me.
What are some of your pastimes while you're not reading?
uh oh, ha honestly I am a hermit. The majority of my time is spent reading or blogging at home, but when I'm not reading I love watching movies, playing mario with my boyfriend Ray, hanging out with my friends, just the normal stuff!
I love Mario! What's one of your favorite places to go to take it easy/have fun?
Panera!! I LOVE Panera it's this really delicious sit down bakery cafe like place, I love going there to catch up with friends or hangout.
Panera is great. I love their caramel coffees, and it's just a great place to hang out. Where's one place you'd love to see someday?
Switzerland! It is insanely beautiful in pictures, I would love to see it in person someday.
I was there and snowboarded on the border of Italy and Switzerland! I wasn't there long, but it was definitely gorgeous! And now, of course I have some "bloggish" questions. :) What made you start blogging?
I actually just started reading about a year and three months ago, I had picked up the Immortal series by Alyson Noel and from then on I realized I loved YA books, sadly though I don't have any friends that read so I had no one to talk about the amazing books I was reading. One day while I was on shelfari I came across a girls book blog and I thought it was so cool! So I went ahead and made one, and the rest is history!
That's awesome! Do you have a certain place you enjoy to read?
Not really I will read anywhere, but mainly I like reading in my bed with the lights off and a flashlight!
What was your favorite book growing up?
I didn't read much growing up, but I did always love Alice Hoffman's books. My favorite was her book The Foretelling, I think I have read that book about 5 times or so, it's great!
What's your favorite book this year so far? (It's okay if you've got more than one!)
of 2012?!? ha I actually haven't finished a book yet! I am almost done with Significance by Shelly Crane, and it is amazing! It will deff end up a favorite of 2012 I think!
I'll have to check that one out! If you could meet one author, alive or dead, who would it be?
Edgar Allan Poe hands down!
What's your favorite meme?
Ah I love memes besides In My Mailbox, I really love the meme Dusty Reads! It's a fairly new meme, and it is so fun! It's where you pick a book that is getting 'dusty' on your shelf, meaning you have owned it for awhile, but still haven't read it and really want to! I personally own ALOT of books that I haven't read so doing this meme is always fun (:
Oh, that does sound fun! Maybe I'll have to start doing that one as well. :) If you could bring one character to life from a series, who would it be, and why?
Puck from the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa!! So I could marry him! -_-
The Iron Fey is on my TBR list! Everyone talks about Ash and Puck...it makes me anxious to get into them! Finally, if you could be any kind of otherworldly, what kind would it be, and why?
hmm well I would either want to be 1. a fairy or 2. a shape shifter.
A fairy because fae is my favorite paranormal to read about in books and they are just awesome.
Shape shifter- I would want to turn into a lion, I flippin LOVE lions!!!
Thanks for interviewing me !!! :D
Thanks for stopping by, Haley! If you'd like to get to know Haley better, here are some places you can find her:
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